Fish is very nutritious with high protein and unsaturated fatty acid content. About 85million people depend on artisanal fisheries for livelihood and its the most important protein in the tropics. Less developed countries capture 50% of world harvest and is mostly consumed internally.

In Africa 17.5% of animal protein intake comes from fish. 40% for Nigeria and about 45% for Cameroon.Due to lack of appropriate handling a d processing technics post harvest loss is very high. The first way to avoid spoilage is to keep harvested fish alive until time for consumption.


Fish Processing

The perishable nature warrants proper handling and preservation to increase shelf life and retain quality and nutritional attributes. Here we shall focus on smoking as our major processing method. Other processes include canning and paste etc.

Why smoking? 

  • It's cheap and affordable especially in Africa (rural areas)
  • Makes fish easier to pack and transport to the market
  • Permits storage for very long periods of time and serve the lean season
  • It reduces wastage in time of bumper catch
  • It increases protein availability to people through out the year




  1. Kill life fish
  2. Debut to remove intestines which can cause spoilage
  3. Wash thoroughly to remove slime
  4. Fold in desired shape
  5. Soak in 1% salt solution for 30mins
  6. Drain in basket
  7. Heat up the smoking kiln prior to smoking
  8. Clean and lubricate the trays or greage to avoid sticking
  9. Load trays
  10. Monitor drying and power source till desired state is achieved (safe moisture content is 11-12%)
  11. Remove fish from kiln and allow to cool before packaging


Fish is hygroscopic and inappropriate packaging will cause spoilage, challenge shelf life and marketability. Packaging protects against extraneous agents and dirty handling, convenience and containment and communication. Packaging should be flexible and have surface gloss for costumer appeal and strong to prevent over transfer of moisture and other gasses

A package must sell what it protects and protect what it sells.